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SECTION 4: Assess

Types of Data

Data collection enables school counselors to identify the positive impact of their Service on their school community and to inform Service changes. Three types of data should be collected:

  • Participation 
  • Mindsets & Behaviors 
  • Outcome
Type of Data   Description  Example
  • Who, What, When, Where/How
  • Number of participants involved
  • Number of lessons or sessions
  • Length of time
  • Number of students involved in an intervention
  • 30 students participated in six 45 minute classroom lessons
Mindsets & Behavior
  • Addresses what the student learned.
  • Measures student change in knowledge, attitudes & skills
  • Student surveys to inform needs
  • Workshops/activity evaluations
  • Pre/post test
  • “So what” data
  • Data that shows the impact that an activity or intervention has on student achievement, attendance or discipline.
  • Reading levels
  • Discipline referrals
  • Graduation rate
  • Attendance
  • Grades
  • Postsecondary plan rates
  • Youth Risk Behavior Survey
  • VSAC Senior Survey

(ASCA National Model 4th edition pg 89 & Hatch 74, 75 & 79 )

Data Categories

Within the types of data outlined in data analysis there are three data categories and oftentimes these forms of data are interlaced and important to one another. 

Student Achievement Data

Student achievement data are data points that are measures of students success in school:

  • Standardized test results 
  • Retention Rates 
  • SAT/ACT scores 
  • GPA 
  • Changes in achievement levels (math, reading) 
  • Dropout rate 
  • Completion of college preparation requirements 
  • College Freshman remediation rates 

Outcome Data

Outcome data are behavioral data that impact the students engagement in learning:

  • Discipline referrals 
  • Suspensions rates 
  • Attendance rates 

Mindsets & Behavior Data

Mindsets and behavior data are a way to measure if the student(s) have learned what they are taught:

  • ASCA Student Mindsets and Behaviors 


The Vermont School Counselor Association (VTSCA) expands the image and influence of professional school counselors through advocacy, leadership, collaboration and systemic change. VTSCA empowers professional school counselors with the knowledge, skills, linkages, and resources to promote student success in the school, the home, the community, and the world. VTSCA is the chartered state division of the American School Counselor Association.


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